Everything You Need to Know About Menstruation!
Everything You Need to Know About Menstruation!
Your period is a sign of the amazing power nature has bestowed upon you. It is the beginning of your journey to womanhood and will be your monthly friend throughout your childbearing years.
Menstruation is a sign of growth. When you reach your teenage years, your body changes. When you reach adulthood, your hormones prepare your uterus for conception. During this phase, the uterine lining sheds. This is called “synostosis,” a natural cleansing process that occurs every month. As a result, vaginal bleeding occurs. This may also be accompanied by stomach cramps or nausea. But it is important to realize that menstruation is a natural process for young girls on their way to adulthood.
Own your period like a queen and shine during those days because that is what we want for you!
Menstrual exercises for a happy period!
Always prepare the essential sanitary care products before your period.
Protect yourself with a good quality sanitary napkin and change it every 2-4 hours as recommended, otherwise you may spread infection.
Try to stick to one sanitary product, if used together, they may breed bacteria and cause infection. Use branded products like Nafi sanitary napkins, tampons and panty liners.
Handle your sanitary napkins or products in the right way.
Nafi Panty Pad Usage Guide
Here are the quick steps for using sanitary napkins
Step 1 Take out a pad from the main pack
Step 2 Unwrap the pad Open the outer packaging, unfold the top part and then unfold the bottom half of the packaging
Step 3 Remove the release paper after opening
Step 4 Place the panty liners on your underwear with the adhesive side facing down
Step 5 Once the pad is in place, fold the wings of the pad under your underwear
1. We know that it is embarrassing when a person wants to discuss their period, it is a feeling instilled in us by society.
2. There is nothing to be ashamed or shy about.
3. Discuss your period openly with your peers, parents and teachers.
4. The more knowledge you get from them, the better prepared you will be.